Category: Media

Hey all you thrashbangers!
In May we had a great time rocking out in the Czech Republic. You can find some great pictures on the photos page:


Poser Killer EP on Itunes and Spotify

Great news metal friends!
This week finally saw the release of our Poser Killer EP on both Itunes, Spotify and Deezer.
Just click on the link of your music source of choice and start rocking out to some serious metal!


Gig update

Hey guys!

Some quick news from Grindpad basecamp.
So far the new songs we posted have been met with great a great response. A big hail to all of you for that! If you haven’t checked them out yet you can do so on our music page.

Also, we are hard at work planning gigs and hopefully we can announce something very soon because we can’t wait to rock with all of you!!

Two new songs!!!

We’ve been teasing for quite some time now but the new songs are finally ready!

We proudly present Grindpad in the new lineup with the songs Red Mist and Poser Killer.

So make some room!
Get some beer!
Download these songs and bang your head!

A great way to start the weekend!!!